Exploring the Afterlife

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Location: United Kingdom

Research Affiliate, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Oxford University. Member of Wolfson College, Oxford

Saturday 24 March 2012

Notes on Abortion

Abortion can be a painful and emotive topic. Religious teachings, secular beliefs, emotional and psychological factors, lead to strongly held views. I don't wish to make any claims about the veracity or facticity of these notes, but to present a composite picture of what the issues might be from an Afterlife perspective. I draw on a range of sources, primarily accounts from recently deceased souls communicated telepathically, clairvoyantly or through automatic writing, from those on earth accessing information via hypnotic regression or as a result of a NDE. While there is no proof that any or all of the accounts are more than the product of the imaginations of those concerned, they are internally consistent. Evidential clues are often given. These include things like a person under hypnosis giving accounts of conversations, and the emotions that accompanied them, that took place in their presence before or shortly after birth, never again alluded to but verified by the mother. This suggests a mature consciousness in the unborn or newly born infant, highly aware of his or her surroundings and able to access more than the immediate sensory environment.

1. Birth is preplanned, and in most cases the soul/spirit has been through the process before, on earth or elsewhere. The soul here refers to the accumulated experience and personality built up over many lives, and periods of growth and reflection between incarnations on the astral and mental planes. The spirit is what is sometimes referred to in Theosophy and other esoteric sources as the Higher Self, Causal Self, Over Soul, or Buddha Nature. Whatever the term the implication is that we have a core of being that pre-exists incarnation. All sources agree that it is of the same nature as the Supreme Being from whom all things come. At some point the soul (or group soul, but that is to digress too far at present) reunites with the Higher Self or spirit, although both are always present.
2. Both soul and spirit wrap themselves in layers of denser matter or vibrations - acquiring a mental body (the realm of the mind and imagination), an astral body (the source of emotion), an etheric body (an envelope for the physical that gives it vitality), and finally uniting these with the physical body. This is referred to as a downward descent through a tunnel before entering the physical with a jolt.
3. More experienced souls might wish to enter at or near conception or in the first trimester. This gives them time to feel their way into the growing baby, help align with him or her, help make brain connections and help the mother. Less experienced souls are more likely to enter later in pregnancy and pass the time in a semi-slumber.
4. The soul does not reside permanently in its host until the umbilical cord is cut. Prior to that time it will move freely between the growing foetus, its immediate physical environment and the astral plane. After birth, travel outside the body is restricted, in most if not all instances, to periods of sleep.
5. Souls choose their parents and life circumstances, with the help of their guardians and other advanced souls, in order to fulfil a particular life plan. They will almost certainly have incarnated with some of their immediate circle before.
6. Life is a school or opportunity for experience and growth on all levels. The final goal is to become a being of pure unconditional love, and to be reunited with the Source, enriched by this experience. It is possible to go forwards, coast through life, or spiritually regress, in any one incarnation. Past relationships, successes and failures may be worked at in successive lives.
7. We are never alone. We are accompanied by a bigger soul group of which we are a part, and by a guardian or guardians - souls who have chosen this work of guidance as part of their service. They do not interfere with our free will but can give help when asked and give hints, implant ideas, inspirations and dreams to help us realise the goals we set ourselves before birth.
8. A short life, even one terminated before birth, may be planned in this way in advance for a number of reasons. This could be for the soul that for some reason wishes to have this particular experience. More often it will be to provide a learning opportunity for the mother or others involved with the mother.
9. Some aborted embryos and foetuses will not have been ensouled, although an animal cannot actually live independently of its mother after birth without its etheric and astral bodies (and in the case of animals with an advanced intelligence, a mental body as well).
10. Some terminations, whether intentional or spontaneous, are not preplanned. The soul may leave easily and will probably look for another opportunity as quickly as possible to have a birth that will fulfil the same or similar goals (the time scale may not relate to that on earth and rebirth could pre or post date the interrupted pregnancy by decades or even centuries).
11. In other unplanned terminations, unplanned in terms or pre-birth agreements that is, the soul will receive a shock. It may not have been ready or willing to leave the growing host body and will be disoriented. There will be guides ready to help the expelled soul, but it may bear some trauma that carries over for a while, possibly into successive lives and relationships. These souls usually reincarnate quickly, whereas infants who die are more likely to spent some time on the astral plane to continue their growth. There is no suggestion that aborted foetuses spent time in a shadowy realm until their planned natural time of death is reached, as happens in cases of suicide. There are recent Chinese/Taiwanese traditions of ghost foetuses who will haunt the mother unless appeased.
12. Prayer and positive thoughts and intentions can be powerful tools to help aborted souls and those around them to reorient themselves and to move on with minimal spiritual damage.


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